THE STAR NEWSPAPER: Neuro-Acupuncture Treatment
Basically, he inserts needles into strategic points of the head. Neuro-acupuncture is believed to improve the chi flow between neurons in the brain, which then helps patients improve communication, speech and behaviour... more news
Natural Treatments for Autism Symptoms and the Signs of Autism |
Herbal Medicine Treatment - Email HERE!
Children with special health care needs and attention, are those who have or are increased risk for chronic physical needs, developmental disorder, behavior disorder, or emotional disorder conditions that needs more then normal kids.
There are many various types of special kids all have been on top list of research for recovery treatment with Chinese Master in KL. Many have achieved HIGH recovery and some get 60 % plus recovery for CP cerebral palsy and brain damage.
Those who classified from brain damage can gets to 50 to 90% recovered. Those that have development delay may gets to almost full recovery.
The Treatment may be between 1 to 6 months for normal cases, and for more serious problem will need more time.
Being one in a million case of Slow, rare developing cerebral palsy, brain damage of the Qi flow in the brain. Obstruction of the Qi flow could then be revitalize by Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment Centre in KL done by Chinese Master's Neuro Qi Qong Acupuncture. |
Why are young children more sensitive to environmental hazards and toxic substances than adults?
Because children have:
- Higher rates of oxygen consumption and metabolism.
- Developing body systems/organs.
- Behavioral differences.
- Young children learn by using their senses and are likely to try substances by touching, tasting or smelling them.
- Young children are eager to open containers and use equipment (e.g. spray cans).
- Young children like to imitate adults (e.g. mix up a bleach solution and mop the floor).
- Children of all ages like to experiment with new materials.
- Older children may be influenced by other kids to try risky things ("I dare you to…").
What are some common toxic substances?
- Cleaning products and detergents
- health and beauty aids
- Pesticides
- lawn care chemicals
- Air pollution
- Poisonous plants
- Arts and crafts materials
- Insect Repellants
- Radon
- Lead
- Asbestos
Where and how must toxic materials be stored and used?
- Kept toxic materials in a locked room or cabinet
- Always keep toxic materials inaccessible to children.
- Always separate from medicine and food.
- Stored in their original, labeled containers.
- Used always according to the manufacturer sinstructions.
- Used only for their intended purpose.
- Never used when children are presen
Autism Toxic Effects made during early pregnancy. |
The Autism Kids Toxic comes from during the mother's early pregnancy. There are data and cases of more then just Folic Acid toxic and antibiotics during early pregnancy.
Some cases shows that during pregnancy the mother was hospitalize for some fever or others health problems. The toxic that goes into the body system with that little fetus of maybe one centimeter big, surely have a good chance of getting poison by these drugs.
The Autism kids cannot reject any further toxic during their whole life of food and drink consummation. Therefore when the autism kid take certain food they become very hyperactive and aggravated. |
Sheila, 42, Melaka (Malaysia):
“My son has no eye contact, no communication, and always being in his own world. I thought that my son was deaf. But, after I sent my son to the famous Chinese Master in Kuala Lumpur then I only knew that my son has Autism syndrome problem. The Chinese Master told me not to worry because he can help treating my son using acupuncture treatment and herbal medicine.
At first, I didn’t really believe that my autism son can be cured but after 1 ½ months undergoing Autism Neuro acupuncture treatment and taking the ‘Brain Powder’ herbs from Chinese Master, my son has shown positive changes. I was so impressed! He already can look into people eyes when we talk to him and also able to say a few words such as “mama”, “papa”, “yes” and so on. I was very thankful to God because I have found Chinese Master.
Now, my son is still undergoing the acupuncture treatment from Chinese Master and taking his herbal medicine (' Brain Powder') every day because I want to see even more improvement on him. I want my son to be like other normal kids and far from all diseases. Thank you Master!” |